Julian's Idioms

My son Julian is 9 years old and has Autism. It is a disability but Julian fully embraces it for what it is. He accepts it and never feels sorry for himself. In fact Julian is a pretty funny kid even though he doesn't realize it. So I thought what a better way to share with everyone just how funny and sweet he is. This page is dedicated to my sweet Julian and his idioms. Enjoy!
  • " I wish everyone will just get it that I am NOT dating right now!"-after he was told by his sister that a girl liked him.
  • " He has Askpergers Mom." "Julian its pronounced ASpergers." "But mommy you said I can't say that word!" ( He thought he would be saying Ass...lol!)
  • "I think I am a guardian angel and I watch over everyone that I love."
  • "I'm different Mom." "No Julian you are special." " Well ya everyone knows that!" -Love him!!
More to come....